7SOP Community Guidelines

Welcome to the 7SOP community! We’re so excited to have you here and want to create a warm and welcoming space where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves. Our main goal is to ensure that our community is safe and inclusive for all. To achieve this, we kindly ask that all members be respectful, kind, and honest with one another, both online and offline. Please keep in mind that any behavior that goes against our guidelines may result in your account being terminated.

Here are a few key points to keep in mind while interacting with author or support staff of 7SOP:

Nudity & Sexually Explicit Content: We want everyone to feel comfortable on our platform, so please keep your content appropriate for public consumption. Nudity, sexually explicit content, and graphic sexual descriptions are not allowed. That includes starting a conversation with sexually explicit references that may be offensive to the other person.

Prostitution and Sexual Solicitation: We do not tolerate prostitution or human trafficking. Anyone offering sex for money will have their accounts banned.

Scamming: Connecting with the sole intent of defrauding is prohibited and will result in an account getting banned. Sharing financial account information with anyone is also not allowed.

Harassment & Violence: We have zero tolerance for any form of harassment, bullying, or abuse. This includes sending unsolicited sexual content, stalking, threatening, and intimidation. Violence, coercion or content that threatens or advocates for violence is strictly prohibited. We also do not allow content that glorifies suicide or self-harm.

Hate Speech: We do not condone or allow hate speech or content that promotes discrimination or violence against individuals or groups based on certain characteristics like race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

Private Information: We want to keep your personal information private. So please don’t share any private information, including your phone number, social security number, passport, financial information or unlisted contact information such as phone numbers, email addresses, home/work address.

Unauthorized Promotions: Soliciting or promoting commercial services is not allowed

Use of Avatars: Be yourself! Don’t impersonate or misrepresent yourself or others. Also, using an avatar or any other profile picture that is not a true representation of yourself is not allowed.

Account Dormancy: We encourage you to use 7SOP as often as possible to get the most out of the platform. If you don’t login for 2 years, we reserve the right to delete your account.

We hope 7SOP really helps you find someone who’s perfect for you!